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As your partner in achieving and maintaining your oral health, we want to help you find answers quickly and easily. That's why this part of our website is devoted to our current patients. Here you can determine how long your appointment could be, how to prepare for a surgery, post-surgery care and so much more. Click on the links below to learn more about each area listed.

Exam Appointments  |  Surgery Appointments  |  Pre and Post Op Instructions
Exercise and Activity after Surgery  |  Financial Information

Appointment Information
To Schedule an appointment click here or call 206-628-0404

When you arrive for your appointment:
  1. Please come alone unless an escort is required
  2. Please wear a mask
  3. We will take your temperature
  4. Current Health Status questions may be asked at this time
  5. Forms required for your care will be presented to you to review and sign on a sanitized iPAD
All of our staff are fully vaccinated against Coronavirus.

Exams Appointments
At our office this visit can be limited to a specific tooth/area or it can be comprehensive where your entire mouth is assessed in terms of its periodontal health. The type of exam is usually determined by the referral received from your general dentist.

Information including dental and medical history will be collected during this visit. We will want a list of current medications and supplements you may be taking along with the dosage and frequency they are taken.

We will request your x-rays from your general dentist prior to your visit however if not received by your appointment we will need to take x-rays to diagnose your current condition.

Please complete any forms sent to you for this visit prior to your appointment.

Exams can take from 40-50 minutes.

Exams done for our current hygiene patients:
If you are a current patient and having your teeth cleaned at our office an exam will be done once / year to reassess your current gum health.

Surgery Appointments
Surgical appointments can take from 1.5 hours to 2 hours typically and will require a follow-up appointment 2-3 weeks after the surgery.

How do I prepare for a surgery?

Post-Operative Instructions and Information:
After Surgery general care information

Oral surgery, no matter how minor it may seem, requires time to heal. Tooth extractions, dental implants, and reconstructive surgery all take their toll on your body, so taking the time to rest is crucial to regaining strength.

Exercise can help you build strength and is also good for your health, but it is important to take a break from your exercise routine while you heal, otherwise it may have a negative impact on your oral health.

What happens if you start exercising too soon?
Going back to exercising too soon can lead to increased bleeding and pain. It can also have a reverse effect and slow the healing process. It may also lead to dry socket, a condition in which the blood clot becomes dislodged and exposes nerves and bone to food particles and bacteria, leading to an infection.

Rest is important
You should take it easy, especially during the first twenty-four hours. The more intensive the surgery, the longer you should wait. Resting allows your body to heal properly.

Start small
After the first day or so, you should start with low impact activities. Yoga, stretching and lifting light weights are an excellent way to get started. If you feel any pressure or pain, though, you should stop immediately. Pain is your body's way of telling you that you aren't fully healed yet.
Implant Surgery
Graft Surgery
Financial Information
Our first goal is to provide you with a clear understanding about treatment options based on your initial examination in our office. We will make specific recommendations and explain why we recommend them. At this point we can discuss the treatment options from a financial viewpoint. This discussion would take into account the following; dental benefits you have that could be used to assist in payment for treatment, your concerns about scheduling treatment to accommodate your current or future financial situation and lastly payment options available to you. We work on behalf of our patients and our recommendations are based on what is necessary to optimize your oral health, regardless of what your benefit plan may pay for or allow. We understand that specialized dentistry treatments are not typically "budgeted" for and you may need to look at financing options that we facilitate for you through services such as CareCredit.

Our main objective is to meet your periodontal and dental implant needs at a reasonable cost and with measurably predictable and satisfying results.

As a courtesy we will file claims to your benefit plan if they are considered a standard indemnity plan. Keep us informed of any change to your benefit coverage so that we may do this for you.

Please be aware that your dental benefit plan is intended to reduce the cost of dental care and often does not cover the total fees. You will be responsible for the portion that is not covered by your benefit plan.

Payment is due on the day services are rendered.

For your convenience, we accept Visa, Discover, American Express and MasterCard.

Secure Payments can be made by clicking here.

Payment Plans
Although we do not offer "in house" financing, we do work with an outside financing company that may meet your needs. It is called Care Credit. CareCredit offers a healthcare credit card exclusively used to pay for health care.

720 Olive Way #810 Seattle, Washington
What Patients Say About Our Practice
What Patients Say About Our Practice

High Quality Dentistry I never realized that my gum recession could actually be fixed! This was a happy discovery and I am so glad I did this procedure especially now that it is done! Dr. O'Beirne and her team are excellent and completely trustworthy. I felt very secure in their care and I am really happy with the results. I would highly recommend them for any procedure because they do the best work and put your mind at ease. – Elise R.

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